We are Eve and Angel. We are intuitive energy workers with different psychic abilities. We met in the summer of 2023 and soon found out we have worked together for many past lives and we are soul family, where Eve is the spirit mother of Angel. We are both working on the same light mission to help humanity and earth to heal and ascend.
Since we met, Eve has been teaching and guiding Angel, and we have been working closely together. We are opposites and still very similar.
Where Eve has a strong connection to the divine, angelic energies, light energies, feminine energies, healing and creation, Angel has a strong connection with mother earth, earth energies, plants, masculine energies, releasing and destruction, We are like yin and yang: the light and dark. We complement each other and together we make the perfect team.
The work we do is cannot be placed under the umbrella of any of the known energy work methods, because it is so much more than that. We work from remembering and having a strong connection to source, this work is not learned in a training. We are divine channels on earth to assist and help others with the work we do. We are led and guided in the work we need to do to best serve our mission.
We do this in group energy healing and activation and healing retreats. We help you release what does not serve you and heal what needs to be healed. We communicate with your spirit and guides about the work that needs to be done to help you evolve.

Helping you to heal
Suppressed emotions
Insecure attachment
Subconscious believes
Old energies
Remove curses & hexes
Remove & dissolve entities and demons
Give energy transmissions
Prepare your body for more divine energy coming in
Activate your life force energy
We also
Open your chakras
Clear your meridians
Open up your spine
Help you remember who you are
Connect you more to your spirit
What happens during an healing & activation?
During The Healing Warriors energy healing and activation, you lie down on a mat with your eyes closed. The only thing you have to do is surrender to the process and relax.
We will play music and start the group energy activation, by bringing in energies and going to a certain frequency to fuction as a bridge. We hold a certain energy and frequency which we expand, fill the room with it so your body can adjust to it. We also bring in frequency and energy from mother earth, source and different realms, and angelic energies. We activate your life force energy and self healing abilities. We do energy work, based on what is needed in the room and what every individual needs within this time and space.
During the healing and activation we sing and speak strong light language and we use instruments to expand our energies when needed.
For every individual the experience is different. Most people feel the energy in their body. Some people feel emotions, thoughts or memories coming up, others move their bodies. Some people have visions or even communicate with passed loved ones, others feel the energy, electricity and temperatures move through their body. Some enter state of meditation or consciousness expansion and much more. You receive and experience during a session what is needed for the best healing. It is not painful or scary and you can come out of the activation if needed.
Healing is happening on conscious, subconscious, emotional, mental, energetical and spiritual level. The experience during our sessions is only a fraction of the healing that is happening and the effects and healing will continue for some weeks.
After a session with us, it is important to integrate and rest. It is important to drink a lot of water. If possible going into nature. We open up layers and the especially the days after a session with us, you might feel tired or emotions coming up.This process can continue for several weeks. This is very normal and a beautiful part of the healing process.
The work we do is different from other know energy work methods. For instance, this is not kundalini activation, and we work on a much deeper level in a more gentle, yet stronger way. It is also not Reiki, sekhem or any other known energy work. We work in our own way, and a session with us feels gentle and safe. The effects are very powerful.
We help you unpack what does not serve you anymore, we help you heal and face trauma, we help you with mental and emotional problems. However, we do not work primarily on physical healing. We work on the root causes, which could improve the physical body.
Online 1 hr group energy activation
1 hour
No upcoming sessions scheduled
New sessions will be announced in newsletter & on Instagram

Live group energy activation
1 hour
220€ per session
No upcoming sessions scheduled
New sessions will be announced in newsletter & on Instagram

This moment The Healing Warriors have not scheduled new group sessions. If you want to book a private (online) session with Eve or Angel, please book on their own websites.
Website and private healing with Eve: www.innerventions.com
Website and private healing with Angel: www.angelwickyofficial.net

Stay updated about our events!